Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Why the Worry about Wi-Fi?

As a communications coach, when I attend presentations I watch the audience as much as I watch and listen to the speaker.  When I attended Ami Soifer’s, Getting Your Head in the Clouds, Comfortably and Carefully, presented to a packed room of attorneys, I gleaned that he was one to watch.  Educated at Boston University as an Electrical Engineer and co-founder and CEO of a pioneering IT firm, Ami has a knack for translating cyber-matters into terms that non-techie professionals can appreciate and comprehend.  I welcomed him to my interview chair last Friday and we discussed what is worrying my followers about public Wi-Fi.  What follows are his responses to the most “frequently asked questions” I hear from sole-proprietors, business-owners, and practitioners, especially those in 2-25 person firms whose staff and employees communicate largely on mobile phones and devices. 

Lisa Bernard:  I travel a lot for business and don’t know if airport Wi-Fi and hotel Wi-Fi are secure.   Should I be concerned?

Lisa Bernard:  Is there a difference between using my mobile phone and using my tablet in terms of secure communications?   Is one more secure than the other? 

Lisa Bernard:  What is a VPN? 
Lisa Bernard:  If I email from my office with secure Wi-Fi to someone using public Wi-Fi – say at an internet cafĂ© - does that compromise my communication and data?

Lisa Bernard:  Ami, thank you.  Your office is buzzing here - even late on a Friday afternoon - and your generosity with your time, commitment to education on cyber-matters, and insight are appreciated by my followers and me. 

To host Ami Soifer for a briefing, dinner presentation or address on CyberSense at your firm, school or association see Ami's bio at and email me  I am happy to talk with you about the particulars and make it meaningful for your audience.   


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